Sunday, 17 February 2008

Entry Number Twenty Four: "I'm Going To Afghan To Kill Pa*is"

Last night was dickhead night. I don't know why but the place was crammed full of idiots who were really frustrating me. I was definitely in a grump last night. I had my miserable face on. It was oh so enjoyable to, in a word, take out that frustration on a few. Not in a physical sense of course noo nooo nooo, just you know, being a bit more strict than normal, all because i was in a mood. Why not, i am a king amongst paupers.

As soon as i got there, on the table in front of me was a six foot five skinhead squaddie. The manager had warned me about him when i first arrived. Big bloke, lary. I had a chat with him to stay cool, and keep it down. He seemed like an ok guy, in good spirits. Later on though, as the drink flowed into his blood stream, the inevitable happened. He got loud, got offensive. I didn't fancy tackling this dude, he was big, but you can't take the piss enough was enough.

"I'm going to Afghan in a few weeks to kill Pa*is"

Nice one mate. If i could hear him telling an elderly couple this, then others around him could as well. I told him any more talk like that and he's out. He was suprisingly gracious about it for a thug. So that was the end of that, for now. These are the men protecting our nation. Makes you proud huh. This was his leaving send off, all the family were there. It was a tough one to handle...

I balanced it all up and went from there. For one his brother had come over earlier and apologized for him in advance. I did give him a little leeway but enough was enough. I despise racism, as well, so i was doing good to keep my cool.

I stood beside this table for the next hour or so but he'd had too much. Too loud, and people were feeling uncomfortable. I asked one of my colleagues in the distance to keep one eye on me, and i moved in. Luckily he walked to the smokers section with his family who were quite helpfully tricking him into leaving.

Outside his thick dumb head clicked on to wizardy we'd all played on him and he tried to get back in. I blocked the entrance and inevitably, almost as if he had to by default...he got lary, his family pulling him back. By now a wall of three doormen were blocking the side entrance he left. After some weak protesting, flailing fists, and other bullshit i was too tired to really remember, he went.

More fools, woman flirting, which is always nice. Few who had too much who weren't coming back in. It was by far the busiest Saturday I'd done there. People telling me to cheer up, forgetting that I'm not actually knocking back the Vodkas and cokes alongside them, and that I'm working. No, last night i didn't want it. Too much going on in my head. It did effect me a little bit, i even wanted to throw people out for no reason at one point, and that's not like me.

It is nice to know the regulars now though, groups of girls who i see as a regular, it's by far the venue i want to be perched at. There's talk of changes happening, and I've already had a few problems in that area, with being put elsewhere etc etc . Which I've refused. But more on that soon.

Anyway I'm guessing as normal tonight (Sunday) will be dead, if I'm even working...I've got a full time day job coming soon, which i plan to do alongside the nights, so the free time at the moment I'm enjoying every second of. Seeya.

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