Monday 11 February 2008

Entry Number Twenty Three: The Last Days?

Very quiet four days, so not much to jot down really. No excitement, had to take a guy out who the bar staff said shouldn't be served no more, his mate got him a drink and then the bar staff asked us (me) to "escort him out" The guy was fine, no trouble, just had a few, i sympathised with his protests but life is life...He was moaning about there being a pedofile in the corner, convicted apparently, insisting i "throw him out as well then" lobbing an old boy out for being a pedo...well, you gotta, you really really gotta have your facts right for that one...i left it.

So what else over the four days, lot's of communication with the ladies. Being a regular at a spot definately definately is a plus, if you are a single gent such as myself. You build up "freindship links" see regulars. It's good, it's nice.

However, yesterday (Sunday) was dead. Even the DJ wasn't called in. Rumour has it they will slice the number of Doorstaff down, i'm hoping that won't be me, but it very well might be...if i'm all over the south east again Ayelsbury, Watford, i will be finding another company to work for...however...if i stay local i can cope. Would have just been nice to have a nice little regular spot.

So yeah, no events whatsoever, which is a good thing. Three days off now...which means lots of sleep, and lots of rudey moves. Back on thurs...i hope.

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