Sunday, 2 December 2007

Entry Number Fourteen: No Flirting

Football game was on, so we were needed to keep the peace at a bar out of town. I escaped the Taxi shit, and thank god. Police on their horses were strutting through the town centre, from first sights, it would have looked like something was going to happen. But from my first time at this town i can already feel things were more relaxed generally than my home town. Lot of excitement over nothing, these little towns love it i think.

No incidents at all, one woman complained up close about two of the other door staff i was with intimidating her husband or some bollox. I apologised sincerly then proceeded to not give a fuck. Give me some action to break up.

AHA ACTION...well...As i stood on the main door a girl started flirting heavy. She was wearing long black socks short schoolgirl style skirt and a tight tight top. I suggested to her that her company should give her some work in my town so she can come down and see me....that's the closest I'll risk to flirting at the moment...cos I'm a new boy I'm still ultra paranoid about someone complaining about me perving off. It's happened to a doorman at the company i work for, a few of them. But my flirt confidence is building. The lines are will be updated on this.

Near the end of the night there was a lock out, basically as the fans were leaving the stadium all the bars and pubs along the town centre were closed by the police. Obviously to stop the rowdy lot piling in and pushing over the odd chair or two, and shouting one or two naughty words, such as "bottom" and "willie" the usual.

Anyway, this naturally kept the beer hungry wolves agitated, as a big crowd built in front of me and my colleague...same words, over and over, upset faces, shaking heads and miserable old men looked back at us..the words were "sorry, shut till 8:00 cos of the football people, thanks" one brainiac came up with the suggestion that i "jus open up mate, go oooon" ... "um, no" i threw him through the window......i did not do this..

Drove back to my local town afterwards and did inside at a very popular club in my town, the head doorman wasn't messing about early on but he opened up near the end of the night, guess i was just another newboy doorman to him, fair enough. I literally got told the drill "you fuck up, i will bollock you" fair enough, the club was heaving and there was only four of us inside.

We were positioned at points in the club and rotated, eyes open look for incidents. It was packed but everyone was in very good spirits. The music was old eighties and old no1's so the crowd was a peaceful one even though it was ram jammed. No matter what people say, most of the people in there do respect you, you're there to protect them, and they were all well behaved tonight.
Lots of smiling faces, girls pinching my rear, hugging me sloshed out of their brains.

No incidents the whole night. I initially felt very uncomfortable, all of a sudden the pressure of responsibility hit me, as in, this is what I'm here for, I'm protecting these people. It's no longer a "cool job" it's serious shit sherlock. I loved it. So many times I'd been in the club, looking a the door staff wishing, well, here it was. No indenents, two guys who got a bit loud and had a tiny little push and shove were separated, the banging music blocked out any communication but the dispute ended, and me an my colleague decided to leave them be but keep an eye on them.

I was like a spring near the beginning of the night, ready, by the end my feet were killing me and my thirst was peeling my lips. I was bringing forth saliva in my mouth, and trying to wet the inside of my lips...that didn't work. In all fairness i should have asked the bar staff for a water or something. But as i said, old head boy was a bit of a hawk, i need to make good impressions where ever i work....i could wait.

Despite uncomfortably getting used to the crackling radios, trying to understand what was being said, and not look like a plank squeezing this black walkie talkie to my head with a screwed up face expression plastered over my mug that was it for the night. This is what i wanted, this is the job, and to be honest i love it.

I'm now aiming for a regular spot, my own regular perch, as I'm all over the place at the moment. More soonie.

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