Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Entry Number Six: Licence Granted!

Case status Licence Granted

Your application has been at this stage since 2007-11-13
(1 working days ago).
A letter confirming that your licence application has been successful has been dispatched on the above date. This letter confirms the sector and role for which you are licensed, together with the expiry date and conditions of the licence.
Front line licence holders receive a licence card, and this card will be dispatched separately by post two working days after the above date





Yup yup yup. I h ad a weird dream, i had a weird dream. I dreamt that my licence arrived in the post. I ripped it open like a fat kid ripping open a Mars Bar packet... and it contained my licence, except at the top, it had the name of one my best friends, instead of mine. My heart sank...

It was this dream that inspired me to wake up and log on to the SIA web site to see the above beauty. Oh man, this feels good. long now then. What happens now. Well, first, most important thing, is a BOOZE FUELLED NIGHT OUT TO CELEBRATE WOOP WOOP!

Then i need to phsycally hold the bastard in my hands. Smell that plastic, savour that shit. Then after that find out how i go about getting work and getting on the doors.

I was speaking to one of the young lads at work who's uncle is head doorman of a local club/bar very popular in my town. He passed me this Head Doormans mobile, but then proceeded to tell me stories of this gent ripping peoples lips off and punching them in the nose and claiming self defense...

I thought to myself "oh, thats a bit nasty innit" realising, this is the world I'm entering. I won't stoop to those levels though. In a way i might be to much of a good guy for doorwork. Just cos I'm just off 6 foot and a good old weight, doesn't mean i have that instinct or... rip off someones lip-factor thats needed. We shall see...

First things first...i need to sort out work, where to get it, and how to get it. There is a doorman at work I'm gonna have a chat to today. Will fill you in on the convo...

Er....ah yeh....Yahoooooooooooooooeeeey woop woop. Ahem ..

Thank you

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