Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Entry Number Eleven: "You Don't Know Me"

It's official, I've been given four regular days at the biggest bar in my town...yip yip yeeeeeee....this is good. Very good. Basically tonight Dean had his Godfather like hawky eyes on me all night. When i arrived he was plonked at a table in the bar, long doorman jacket on, surrounded by about seven people. His face illuminated a cool blue from his hi tech laptop. He looked like the big man, big business.

The night, quiet, the usual, hats off please, my Sweet barmaidy was in, i haven't got in there yet, but with the regular days at what will now be my regular bar which is called "Extra" now established, i can craft a cunning plan to bag her like shopping. She is extremely pretty, I'm also starting to get an eye for the head bar lady. I don't know her name but she showed me about first night, and seems to be the most friendly, i like her. These are important issues, and they must and will be resolved.

Yvonne, Jelly bean came down with her best friend, and her best friends sister who was suprisingly attractive, never seen her before. It was Yvonnes best friends Birthday, they were out to drink much alcho pop, and sweet liqueur. Tonight was like an unofficial tester night from the boss. He was there, it was only me patrolling, someone else hadn't turned up. I had to do good. Yvonne bouncing around drunk screaming my name had me wanting to retract into my leather coat turtle style in shame, but she wasn't too bad. She was just more over excited to see my "Yellow Arm band" With my face in it. She plucked and probed at it strapped around my arm like a bad wart or spot. She was fascinated.

A group of ladies in their mid 30's were having a flirt with the big hunky And they also gave a good review to Dean for me which i appreciated.

Overall another quiet night ..... until .....

Always happens right near the end of the night, makes sense i suppose, the booze would have been flowing. This Head bar lady, i will find out her name. Casually walked past me as i was staring into space and said "give Erwin a hand if he needs it Dee" in a cool calm manner. I turned my head expecting to see Erwin having trouble with some plates or a balancing a few difficult beer glasses, i mean the manner in which she dropped it "oh, give Erwin a hand if he needs it Dee" I turn my head and Erwin is bear hugging an Asian guy from behind piling him through the bar and out the doors...BANG....i get outside to see the guy thrown to the floor but protected by Erwin. The guy touched down in a nice puddle that innocently reflected the orange street lights before his body destroyed it.

Outside Dean is there trying to diffuse the situation. Erwin and the Guy are going at it. "You don't know who i am, or who i know blood, i swear" The guy cries "You don't know who i know" This seems to be a common verbal dart thrown I'm seeing. Some kind of variant on it. I swear you don't know who i know. Etc. Now...Dean is a fighter. And this guy was going at Dean hard. I'm standing next to Dean, ready for someone to throw a quick fist and it all to start kicking off. I'm trying to read this guys face who is explaining about who his family knows and this and that to dean, and I'm twitching ready for something to jump off. Not really wanting it to but there, ready and present if it did. This is my job. This is why the pay is good. One of the guys friends emerges from the shadows, a lanky black fella with a baseball cap, holding a blue carrier. "Ey what's going on here man" he grumbles in an African accent. I walk him away from the situation...

Inside my stomach all i felt was a feeling of letting my natural responses happen if it kicked off there and then. I didn't feel fear, i felt the pulse of adrenalin work it's way through my body and i also felt...i could do with cross training. My current Martial Art is a grapping / locks and holds one. I don't know how to strike, and i will need to in this job, better now then never, so i am considering another striking art, Sundays. I will give this some serious thought tommorow and get the ball rolling with this...

For now though another night..each night gets closer to the big "pop off" as I've just this very second decided to call it. Let's have a nice big ugly ruck so i can get it done with huh? Oh yeah, the recommendation from the group of mid thirties ladies...they love me. That's always gotta be good for the boss to hear. So...Fucking Thumbs Up Innit. Onto tommorow, out of town.

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